temperature swing adsorption

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  1. To resolve the blast accidents occurring during the operation of acetylene temperature swing adsorption set, Hazard and Operability Analysis ( HAZOP) was used to make a safety analysis of this set;
  2. Effect of air temperature and desorption on oxygen generation by pressure swing adsorption USING PSA TECHNOLOGY TO RECOVER CO_2 FROM RECTISOL VENTED GAS
  3. In order to prevent the icing problem of flow meter in CBM/ CMM supply system in Huainan, a suit of deep dehydration equipment are designed by utilizing the technology of temperature swing adsorption.
  4. The simultaneous purification of tar, naphthalene, H_2S, organic sulfur, NH_3, HCN and benzene can be achieved by temperature swing adsorption, which is low in investment and operating cost and has been used successfully in industrial production.
  5. Moreover, the influence of temperature swing adsorption ( TSA)> pressure swing adsorption ( PSA) desorption by low pressure water vapour to adsorption and desorption was researched.
  6. Safety Analysis of Acetylene Temperature Swing Adsorption Set and Preventive Measures against Blast
  7. Brief introduction of the background of the engineering development is made, and then the related progress and prospect are discussed, including the carbonaceous temperature swing adsorption ( TSA) engineering development progress in FGD and recovery in moving bed, regeneration technology, adsorption equipment.
  8. The NJ adsorbent was also proved by experiment to have outstanding temperature swing adsorption ( TSA) performance and could also be successfully regenerated by purging of inert gas.
  9. In the paper, the characteristics of new technology for ambient temperature fine sulfur-removal, result tested by foreign company, and important application examples to protect methanol and ammonia synthesis catalysts and to protect PSA ( Pressure Swing Adsorption)-high effect adsorbents, are introduced.
  10. Production of high-purity hydrogen by cryogenic temperature swing adsorption